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Moral and Spiritual Maturity

Marine Military Academy is committed to helping our cadets understand the necessity for growth and maturity in the moral and spiritual realms of life.
Elite Military High School

In order to assist them in becoming men of character who will uphold our values of honor, courage, and commitment, our military staff includes a chaplain with whom rests the responsibility of conducting, facilitating and overseeing all religious programs.

Opportunities for Growth

Every effort is made to facilitate the involvement of each cadet in the activities of his faith. In order to afford our cadets the greatest value, all of the Academy’s on-campus religious services are conducted at times during the day that doesn’t conflict with their other responsibilities.

Additionally, out of respect for our cadets’ diverse backgrounds, and to encourage them in developing a deeper understanding of their faith of choice, accommodations are made for cadets to attend a variety of off-campus religious services held at Jewish synagogues, Islamic centers, and both Catholic and Protestant churches.

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