Military boarding schools are known to graduate young men and women with exceptional integrity and demeanor. To build quality character in your teenager son or daughter, take a few lessons from military boarding schools.
How Military Boarding Schools Help Build Good Character
Being a team member, learning to execute orders and sacrificing one’s own needs for the good of the group, these are all character-building exercises that military boarding schools teach students. Service above self is an integral part of the philosophy. Integrity and honor are core values to which every military boarding school commits.
These are five ways military boarding schools instill good character in teens:
- Setting the example: Military boarding schools employ strong adult leaders, many of whom are former military personnel. Students learn how to conduct themselves personally and professionally from their adult mentors.
- Respecting others: At military boarding schools, students must show respect for adults and other students in positions of authority. Students quickly discover that manners, common courtesy, and respect for others help to foster relationships and promote teamwork.
- Serving others: Students become productive and caring citizens of their community by volunteering for local non-profit organizations. Most military boarding schools donate hundreds of community service hours a year to cities and charities.
- Rewarding hard work: At military boarding schools, students are taught to strive for academic and personal excellence, and they develop a strong work ethic in the process. They quickly realize that satisfaction and confidence comes only from hard work, not the easy path of cheating or shirking their duties.
- Promoting leadership: Military boarding school students who demonstrate maturity and responsibility are promoted to positions of authority. Leadership positions test and develop strong character at the same time. Students are also allowed to fail as long as they learn from their failures.
In short, military boarding schools do an exemplary job of carrying the three basic rules of teen character development: teaching, correcting and setting the example.
Learn More
To learn more about the benefits of boarding school read:
Boarding School 101: What is a Boarding School?
The Benefits of Boarding School
How Military Boarding Schools Help Build Good Character
Boarding Schools, Not Just for Troubled Teens
Military Boarding School Can Help Good Boys with Bad Grades
Why International Students Should Attend an American Boarding School
Letting Go, 7 Coping Tips When Your Child is Away at Boarding School
Interested in learning more about Texas boarding schools? Visit these resources:
Boarding Schools in Texas: Why Boarding School
Boarding Schools in Texas: How to Choose the Right One
Texas Boarding School’s Missions
Five Good Reasons to Choose a Texas Boarding School
Boarding Schools in Texas: A Map
To learn more about choosing a boarding school read our guide A Parent’s Guide to Boarding School or Boarding School 101 What is Boarding School.
Marine Military Academy is an all boy military boarding school located in Harlingen, Texas.