Boy Scouts Troop 22 News: Rifle Range Part 2

Boy Scouts Troop 22 at the Rifle Range

SgtMaj Jim Poe

boy scoutsThe Boy Scouts of MMA Troop 22 are BACK and returned to action! We are presently working through the many requirements of the Rifle Shooting merit badge. The troop was expertly led by adult leader Mr. Steve Gerber and 1stSgt Jay Foote of the famous Golf Company. 1stSgt Foote has generously volunteered his time to act as the primary merit badge counselor. Scouts met at the MMA indoor range, where 1stSgt Foote conducted a thorough range safety and procedures brief. His extensive experience with firearms was immediately evident. His instruction was totally professional, placing a huge emphasis on SAFETY, SAFETY, SAFETY…..



Boy Scouts Marksmanship Training

boy scoutsThe Boy Scouts quickly learned the various parts and sub-assemblies of the weapon and their function, along with proper sight to target alignment and firing techniques. The boys then learned how to smoothly fire the weapon for best effect. They shot relay style, then checked their individual targets for accuracy. From there they made personal adjustments to fine-tune their marksmanship results. Overall, the group was impressive, with some “natural” shooters revealed among the boys. They all displayed high levels of discipline and attention to detail during the event.



boy scoutsSeveral Troop 22 Eagle Scouts were on hand to lend their support and leadership encouragement to the younger Boy Scouts. It is always rewarding to see them give personal time to benefit others climbing the mountain to Eagle Scout. After all, “Service” is a bedrock principle of Scouting. Part-3 continues next Tuesday evening.


In other news, a Boy Scout troop campout is scheduled the weekend of September 14-16 here in the Rio Grande Valley. Interested parents/friends of Scouting are invited to attend.


Boy Scouts at the Range Photos

Check out all the photos of the scouts on the rifle range.

Boy Scouts Troop 22 actively seeks donations or other assistance to maintain a quality program. Please contact the Scoutmaster, SgtMajor Jim Poe, at 956-423-6006×270 if you have questions about the Boy Scout program or seek to lend your support.


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