New Eagle Scout at Troop 22
Life Scout Alfonso Garcia completed his Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project this past Saturday (Feb 22nd).
The leadership service project is one of the final hurdles in earning the coveted title of Eagle Scout, as per the directives of the National Council of Scouting:
“While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, any school, or your community. (The project must benefit an organization other than Boy Scouting.) The project plan must be approved by the organization benefiting from the effort, your Scoutmaster, troop committee, and the council or district before you start.”
Now, Alfonso Garcia is a conscientious young man who took to heart some repair improvements for the Family Crisis Center in Harlingen, Texas, specifically:
- Modify, reinforce, and add new shelving in the facility pantry
- Manufacture & finish coat a therapy table for use by small children at the main office
- Relocate and re-landscape an outdoor child’s play-set
- Replace and refinish broken exterior siding panels on the laundry facility building
- Manufacture and finish a media shelf to accommodate a DVD/VCR combo unit and children’s movies
Garcia led his team to success with the application of a laser focus towards impressive, high quality results on all phases of the project. His team expended significant man-hours in this endeavor. The efforts of Team Garcia also resulted in saving the benefitting organization hundreds of dollars. The best that can be said about this superior example of teamwork is well-done, and WAY TO GO !!
Troop 22 actively seeks donations or other assistance to maintain a quality program. Please contact the Scoutmaster, SgtMajor Jim Poe, at 956-423-6006×270 if you have questions about the Boy Scout program or seek to lend your support.
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