Boy Scouts Troop 22 at the Rifle Range, Part 3
SgtMaj Jim Poe
Troop 22 Boy Scouts continued making progress towards earning the Rifle Shooting merit badge. Under the expert tutelage of 1stSgt Foote, this highly motivated group of Boy Scouts are quickly improving their marksmanship skills and abilities. We wrapped-up the event with a closing safety brief outlining mistakes or minor violations as a reminder to the boys. In viewing 1stSgt Foote in action, they are exposed to a superb example of active leadership, something the boys will also take away from the event. In between shooting relays, some diligently pursued other merit badge work. An example of this is Scouter Nathan Logan (photo) working on the Citizenship in the Nation merit badge in the marksmanship facility office. THAT’s a great example of time management! Part-4 continues next Tuesday.
Other Boy Scouts News
In other news – Boy Scouts Troop 22 has a campout scheduled for this weekend, September 14-16. A good portion of troop members plan to attend. A main focus will be completion of rank advancement requirements. And, of course, GREAT camping food while engaging in the brotherhood of Boy Scouts!
ALSO – Life Scout Nick Bailey just received approval to begin his Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project. This is one of the final hurdles towards earning the coveted title of Eagle Scout. Nick is excited about beginning his project very soon.
Troop 22 actively seeks donations or other assistance to maintain a quality program. Please contact the Scoutmaster, SgtMajor Jim Poe, at 956-423-6006×270 if you have questions about the Boy Scout program or seek to lend your support.
Learn More About Marine Military Academy and Boy Scouts Troop 22
If you are interested in learning more about Marine Military Academy, visit the MMA Website.
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