Marine Military Academy Spotlight on International Students
International students have had a long history and significant role at Marine Military Academy. The academy was founded on the belief that the U.S. Marine Corps’ concepts of leadership and discipline could be successfully applied to a college-preparatory education. Just as the U.S. Marine Corps draws its recruits from a widely diverse group, Marine Military Academy draws may international students.
A significant number of the cadets currently enrolled are international students from countries from around the world. A typical corps of cadets has included students from Mexico, China, Russia, Germany, South Africa and many other countries. Many of these cadets first attended MMA’s English as a Second Language course prior to enrollment.
This is article the first in a series of articles that will spotlight international students. Each article will spotlight three international students that have distinguished themselves in one or more of the fields of academics, athletics and military. The information on the cadets listed is provided by them and is in their own words.
International Students Interviews
Eun Hyuk Kwak:
Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Brownsville, Texas
Age: 17
Year: Senior
Years at MMA: 5
Rank: Cadet Battalion Commander
Class Rank: 1 of 57
GPA: 4.05
“I came to MMA to try out a military academy, get friends (brotherhood) and try to become the battalion commander. Other reasons that I came to MMA were to get into a good college and attend a school the provides a great environment for study. I like the brotherhood and leadership roles that we get at MMA. To actually be running so many students the same age as me is a hard task.”
“Overall MMA has me me a great leader and student that is above his standards compared to other schools.”
Bruno Lopez Alvarez:
Place of Birth: Mexico City, Mexico
Hometown: Mexico City
Age: 17
Year: Junior
Years at MMA: 2
Rank: Platoon Sergeant, Echo Company
Class Rank: 10 of 48
Current GPA: 3.338
“I came to MMA in part for my family tradition and to feel how it is to live this type of life. What I like most about MMA is the sports and the friends that I have made during my time at MMA.”
“MMA has made me grow up, be more responsible , independent and confident.”
In February 2012 Cadet Alvarez placed first in the RGV Golden Gloves Boxing Tournament, Junior Middleweight 156 category.
Tony J Hu:
Place of Birth: Darmstadt, Germany
Hometown: Shanghai, China
Age: 18
Year: Senior
Years at MMA: 3
Rank: Battalion S-1 Officer
Class Rank: 14 of 57
GPA 2.90
“I came to MMA because I was struggling back in China. I did not like school, spent all my time with friends and didn’t even go to school. I was in terrible shape, too — overweight. I had a bad relationship with my parents, constantly arguing. I wanted to change and didn’t want to be a parasite to my parents anymore. I went to an educational affairs counselor, saw the advertisement for MMA and the video, and then spoke with Dr. Butler. I believed this place would change me in every way, so I came.”
“What I like most about MMA is the environment. MMA has the atmosphere of teamwork and hard work. At MMA, I am always motivated and active and participate in lots of events. I like the atmosphere!”
“MMA has changed me not only physically, but also mentally. I went from a teenager that was immature to a well-known young man that has self-discipline and understands the importance of his future. I also went from 245 pounds to 165 pounds now. I have become a healthy young man!”
Learn More about Marine Military Academy and International Students
Click on the image below to request information about enrollment or check out the Marine Military Academy website. We also have a Chinese Website and a Spanish Website so check them out too! We are still accepting applications for the fall semester!