Marine Military Academy: Eagle Scouts Ceremony

MMA Cadets Receive Eagle Scouts Award

SgtMaj Poe

eagle scoutsEight Boys Scouts from Marine Military Academy (MMA) Troop 22 received the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout at the Eagle Court of Honor ceremony on May 25. Harlingen Mayor Chris Boswell, who became an Eagle Scout in 1977, presided over the induction. Close family members of the Eagles were on stage to assist in presenting the awards and uniform accessories to their Eagle. It must be said, these eight boys overcame many personal challenges while maintaining a steadfast attitude towards earning Eagle Scout over a lengthy period of time.

 Eagle Scouts Celebrate 100 Years

This is a noteworthy leadership achievement for a young man! This year, the newly inducted Eagle Scouts received a special centennial badge; 2012 marks 100 years since Arthur Rose Eldred became the first Eagle Scout.

Eagle Scouts Reception

eagle scoutsA reception followed. Troop 22 Scouts and family members engaged in a sensational luncheon consisting of pizza, chicken wings, and celebratory cake! The Scouts found great pleasure in devouring this ample supply of tasty vittles. It was a most fitting way to cap such a significant event. And finally, a SUPER-LARGE congratulation goes to each of the newly minted Eagle Scouts!


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eagle scouts

(L to R) Sophomore Michael Huang of Houston; Freshman Jacob Williams of San Antonio; Junior Andrew Hodge of Richardson, Texas; Junior John Hay of Sugar Land, Texas; Sophomore Zachary Garner of Terrell, Texas; Senior Nicholas Haag of Orinda, Calif.; Senior Robert Pearson Jr. of Las Vegas; and Sophomore Logan Workman of Tomball, Texas.