Boy Scouts Troop 22: Fire Safety Merit Badge, Part 3
SgtMaj Poe
Part–3 of the Fire Safety Merit Badge was held at Fire Station-5 located at Valley International Airport next door to the campus. The mission of Station-5 is aircraft rescue and fire-fighting. Boy Scouts from MMA Troop 22 and St. Alban’s Troop 206 were treated to a superb presentation expertly conducted by fire-fighting professional and battalion chief Mr. Darrell Loftus. They learned that the characteristics of aircraft fires are much different than home or building fires, and fire-fighting equipment and procedures are also different. Scouts were given the rare opportunity to climb around the specialized trucks and wear-test individual equipment.
Boy Scouts Tour Fire Station
The Boy Scouts toured the entire station, from living quarters to the fitness center. A view of the runway from inside (and outside) the station reveals a runway area of vast acreage that the team is responsible for. It was a deep learning experience for the Scouts. The boys came away with a much greater understanding and appreciation of the challenges of aircraft fire and rescue.
Boy Scouts Photos
Click here to view photos of the Boy Scouts tour.
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