Rock Climbers: Attacking the Wall

Rock Climbers Attack the Wall

Maj Harold Compton

rock climbers

The Marine Military Academy Rock Climbers showed off their stuff on Tuesday afternoon as they put their best efforts into some videos.  The majority of the team is made up of relatively new climbers so their performance was outstanding to say the least.   Some of the more experienced climbers put on quite a show as evidenced by the videos.  Most of the climbers have reached the point in their climbing where they are focusing more on using the smaller and more difficult holds.  Of particular note is Cadet Timpany whose bouldering ability far surpasses the rest of the team.  Cadet Timpany cannot rest on his laurels as the remainder of the team is quickly closing the gap on him!  Cadet Smith is probably the least capable of all the team however he has already shown vast improvement since the beginning of the semester as his strength and technique are improving daily.

 Videos of Rock Climbers

The following is a sampling of some of the videos taken.

Rock Climbers on the Wall 

Another video of rock climbers on the wall

Last rock climber video

More videos will be posted later so check back to see the Rock Climbers in action!

Upcoming Schedule for the Rock Climbers

The MMA Rock Climbers are scheduled to participate in a climbing competition on Saturday, 28 April 2012 at the University of Texas, Pan American.  This will be the third year that the team has competed against college students and they have always represented the Academy well, winning numerous events.

Learn More About MMA Rock Climbers

To learn more about the Marine Military Academy visit our website at or request information at