Boy Scouts Outing
Boy Scouts Troop 22 Scouts participated in a December campout at the Las
Palomas Longoria Unit, a wildlife preserve owned and managed by Texas Parks and
Wildlife. MMA Scouts hold special guest status with the manager, Mr. Sam Patten,
who is a staunch friend and supporter of Boy Scouts.
Photos outline pack-up and departure, then campsite set-up,
with just minutes of remaining daylight. They ate a hearty supper, main course
consisting of make-it-yourself-sandwiches. Lots of meat, designer cheese, and
their appetites were satisfied. Of course, no campout is truly complete without
a nice campfire. Zachary Garner supervised a professional flag retirement
ceremony. It was very impressive! Then it was marshmallows and cool-aid.
Boy Scouts Wilderness Survival
Two bold Scouts, Henry Frost and Nathan Logan, decided to
begin the Wilderness Survival Merit Badge and undertake requirement #8 (sleep
overnight in a shelter you construct of natural materials). They completed this
particular requirement, and almost made it the entire night until a late AM
rainstorm dumped a fair amount of water on the area.
Big appetites returned the following morning. Manly ham &
cheese omelets made to order made the menu. These omelets were packed with
chopped ham and cheese. The Scouts were most delighted to wolf these down with a
vengeance! Some boys had more than one. Breakfast was augmented with fresh
fruit, cereal, orange juice, and fruit bars.
All Scouts worked together and met the requirements for the
Orienteering Merit Badge. Part of this meant finding your way within the
preserve, which is honeycombed with nature trails, mostly paved, some unpaved.
Las Palomas is very scenic. Bird and wildlife studies are conducted on the
property. It is open to the public for bird watching and nature appreciation.
Scouts consumed a hearty chili-dog and cheese macaroni lunch.
They played/rested for a bit, then broke camp and returned to campus. Since it
was late afternoon, a trip to McDonalds was in order, where they capped-off a
fine event with a famous Mickey D’s combo. It just DOESN’T get any better !!
Troop 22 actively seeks donations or other assistance to
maintain a quality program. Please contact the Scoutmaster, SgtMajor Jim Poe, at
956-423-6006×270 if you have questions about the Boy Scout program.
Check out the Scouts Photos
Click here for the complete photo album