“Dogs are not our whole lives, but they help make our lives whole.”
Troop 22 News: A Visit to the Animal Shelter
MMA Troop 22 members toured the local Humane Society animal shelter to fulfill the final requirement in earning the Dog Care merit badge. The boys were met by shelter manager Mr. Frank Quinones, who warmly welcomed the troop. He then described the mission of the Humane Society, how they greatly benefit the community, and answered many questions. Our Scouts then awarded a $50 donation check to the Society as a kind gesture of support and appreciation.
Mr. Quinones then provided a detailed tour of the facility. The boys were saddened at learning how many animals come through the shelter annually, with many destroyed for various reasons (diseased, unwanted or unadopted, wild, or socially unadaptable). We also discussed the importance of donations and/or volunteering at the shelter (this opportunity is available to our Scouts).
This large group of big-hearted boys fell in love with the animals, and half-seriously asked if they could take some back to campus to act as company pets/mascots. Of course, the answer is NO, but it doesn’t hurt to ask!
Since we visited the Humane Society, it was decided the proper and humane thing to do upon return to campus was lift their spirits and provide a surprise!! ice cream social for the troop. WOW! Photographic evidence clearly identifies a happy group of Scouts most delighted at consuming a quantity of Nestle’s Drumsticks and ice cream sandwiches. A few moments of fine Boy Scout camaraderie and friendship then ensued before dismissal to evening studies. The boys had a fine learning experience and truly enjoyed themselves.
Troop 22 actively seeks donations or other assistance to maintain a quality program. Please contact the Scoutmaster, SgtMajor Jim Poe, at 956-423-6006×270 if you have questions about the Boy Scout program or seek to lend your support.
This article appears on the MMA Facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/MarineMilitaryAcademy