Troop 22 News: Leadership Meeting

Boy Scouts Troop 22 News!

Scouts Rank Advancement

On Tuesday, Nov 1, Troop 22 conducted a rank advancement/leadership meeting. They
studied Scout knowledge, lashings, and knot tying. They also discussed leadership and discipline standards as applies to Boy Scouts and MMA Cadets. Scouting is all about leadership and service to others. Recently, eight “Rising Eagles” completed their Eagle Scout Community Service Leadership projects. The service project is one of the final hurdles on the path to earning the rank of Eagle Scout. Our Scouts have also been busy earning merit badges, either through group work or individually. Troop 22 has an upcoming campout planned for the weekend of Nov 12-13th where the Scouts will develop their outdoor skills and engage in the brotherhood of Scouting. Troop 22 is populated by an impressive group of young men who are forging ahead while discovering a sense of achievement.

Troop 22 actively seeks donations or other assistance to maintain a quality program. Please contact the Scoutmaster, SgtMajor Jim Poe, at 956-423-6006×270 or by Email at  if you have questions about the Scouting program.

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