SAT Prep at Marine Military Academy

SAT Prep at MMA

Michele Pickens

Three of the most common questions about the SAT Prep class by parents and students are “What do you do in it?” ; “Will it affect my/his GPA?” and “Does anyone ever fail?”   SAT Prep is a single semester pass/fail – no bearing on GPA – course that MMA provides as a service to seniors  (first semester) and juniors (second semester) who can work the class into their busy academic schedules.

Online Courses for SAT Prep

sat prepMarine Military Academy subscribes to both the SAT and ACT Online Courses for the SAT Prep class, so there is no cost to parents for the programs which; if bought privately, which they can be, would be eighty dollars each for four months. The SAT course covers Critical Reading – sentences completion and comprehending and analyzing reading passages; Math – algebra, calculus, trigonometry, statistics; Writing (multiple choice) –punctuation, grammar, usage; and a student-generated multiple paragraph essay.

In addition to the above academic areas, the ACT adds a Science section. The programs are designed to be self-contained so each student can work at his own pace and in the area(s) in which he needs the most practice.  A student fails SAT Prep the same way he fails a core course: he chooses not to do the assigned work.  But few make that choice because it carries the same stigma as failing Study Hall.

sat prep

Michele (Mickie) Pickens has been teaching English at MMA for 34 years and added SAT Prep in the last six of those years.  She has Secondary Certification and a Masters degree in English from Stephen F. Austin State University.

Learn More About SAT Prep at the Marine Military Academy

SAT Prep

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