Marine Military Academy Plebe Training
Maj Harold Compton
On Saturday, 21 January plebe training continued on the Back 40 with the plebes taking on the High Ropes Course, Circuit Course and Leadership Reaction Course. The plebe first took on the High Ropes Course which included the Heebie Jeebie, the Pipe Dreams, the Raider Bridge and last but not least the infamous Power Pole. Winds were not too bad so the plebes pressed through the events, finding that their confidence, while being suspended on a cable 20 feet above the ground, grew with each step until the reached the end of the course and had to face the Power Pole. Nothing they had done previously in plebe training had prepared them for what they now faced. Each plebe had to climb to the top of a 20 foot telephone pole and stand up on the top of it which measures just 8 inches
in diameter. They then had to summon the courage to dive out and attempt to strike a rubber bouy suspended 9 feet in front of them. They were then caught by a safety line and lowered to the ground. Even plebes that had watched a dozen ahead of them do it successfully found themself hesitant when they stood on the top of the pole. In the end they all completed the ropes course and moved on to the rest of the plebe training events for the day.
Plebe Training on the Circuit Course
Following completion of the ropes course the plebe training took on the final two events of the day; the Circuit Course and the Leadership Reaction Course. The Circuit Course pushed their physical abilities with the 14 exercise stations but all plebes completed it without any problem. The real benefit of this course will only be apparent over time but plebe training has already exposed them to the course and their physical abilities will only improve as they run the course more often.
Plebe Training on the Leadership Reaction Course
Following completion of the Circuit Course the plebe training next took on the Leadership Reaction Course. This course introduced the plebes to the concept of solving a physical problem as a team. Plebes have to first come up with a solution to the problem and then work together to effect a solution. This is a skill they will use many times throughout the coming school year!
Plebe Training Photos and Video
Check out the plebe training Photos and the Video.
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