Three-hundred-and-eight young men graduated from Marine Military Academy Summer Camp on July 29.
A huge crowd of more than 800 people turned out for the graduation parade that morning. Parents, siblings, and other family members and friends proudly watched the campers march onto the field and then applauded them during the pass in review.
After the morning parade, a gradaution ceremony was held in front of the company barracks. The drill instructors congratulated and graduated all the young men before their family members and friends. They also recognized the campers who earned the Honor Man award, the Most Improved award and the Commandant’s Achievement award.
When it was all over, the boys indulged their family members with hugs and photos. They also made sure to exchange phone numbers and social media accounts with their summer camp “brothers” before heading home.
This year, MMA’s campers originated from nine countries and 33 states.