28 July 2020
Dear Summer Camp Families,
Re: Follow up on COVID-19 testing
We are now in the last week of MMA summer camp and I am very pleased with what I am seeing in your son’s development. It has been a very challenging camp for the boys, but they have prevailed. In addition, I want to give an update on COVID-19 cases on MMA campus. Thus far, we have had only one summer camper test positive for COVID-19. We have tested all the campers that were in close proximity to the infected camper and none of them have tested positive for the virus. In addition, we have tested the Cadet Instructors (Cl’s) that worked closely with that particular camper and unfortunately one of them did test positive. That Cl is now resting at home with his family.
From what we have been informed that both the camper and Cl will make full recoveries. We have two certified COVID-19 tracers on staff and we believe that the Camper that tested positive was infected before he arrived at MMA and did not have the infection in his system long enough to test positive at our intake screening. Additionally, we traced the Cl’s infection to an outdoor physical fitness activity where the Camper that tested positive was in close physical proximity to that particular Cl during the exercise.
Fortunately, the remainder of our campers and Cl’s are healthy and doing extremely well. I am pleased with their resilience and positive attitudes.
Please rest assured that we are doing everything we can to keep the campers and the entire MMA community safe and healthy. The campers continue to get screened twice a day by medical personnel and are required to wear their face coverings whenever they cannot safely socially distance themselves from another. We supervise continual hand sanitation and the sanitation of the mess hall and all buildings that the campers are in. Without these constant safety measures and the due diligence of my staff, this situation could have resulted in widespread contamination of the campers and this MMA community.
I look forward to seeing you all this weekend for your son’s summer camp graduation. I implore you to please follow the Cameron County requirement to wear a face covering and to maintain social distance where necessary.
Christopher S. Dowling
Colonel, US Marine Corps (Ret)
President, Marine Military Academy