Work on Overhead Ladder Finished
Maj Harold Compton
Work on the Overhead Ladder addition to the Confidence Course was completed during the Christmas holiday break by diligent work of the Facilities Department. Welder Jose “Chester” Diaz completed all of the necessary fabrication work on the ladder as well as the prep for painting. After a coat of non-skid paint was applied the ladder was installed on the poles and anchored with 12″ lag bolts.
The overhead ladder was one of three new events added to the course beginning last month. Two additional medium hurdles (see picture below) were added, bringing the course to a total of fifteen obstacles. The additional rain during the holidays ensured that the poles are fully settled and ready for use by the upcoming plebe class this month.
Overhead Ladder One of Several Improvements
The overhead ladder was the brainchild of SgtMaj Kinsley who likes to see some new addition to the LEAD Complex each year. In addition to the three new obstacles there will also be work done on replacing the existing poles on the Rope Bridge event this spring as well as replacement of all cabling on the High Ropes courses.
Check out the Overhead Ladder Use by Plebes
Later this month we will be sure to post photos and an article on the use of the new Overhead Ladder during the spring Plebe Training so be sure to check back for more about this event.
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