Troop 22 NEWS: Guillermo Hellmund Eagle Project Pt-2

Troop 22 NEWS: Guillermo Hellmund Eagle Project Pt-2

Life Scout Guillermo Hellmund assembled an eager band of hard-charging MMA cadets and Boy Scout volunteers, and made significant progress on his Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project (to the benefit of the Texas Parks and Wildlife organization). He is fulfilling a request to manufacture 10 Game Bird Hunting Permit boxes. His team will then install these at various wildlife sites around the Rio Grande Valley for data collection, and to aid in improved wildlife management accuracy.

The service project is one of the final hurdles on the long path to Eagle Scout. It is an adult level test of leadership and responsibility.

Team Hellmund put in a long day on Saturday, the 28th, working steadily towards completion. The manufacture of these data collection boxes requires skill, patience, accuracy, and attention to detail. Photos clearly show how the boys are taking it seriously and doing a fine job, even though most lack woodworking experience. They applied a coat of attractive, high-quality outdoor stain-sealer to the wood surfaces. This protective barrier will ensure many years of durability and trouble free service. Of course, a thorough shop cleanup is always in order upon conclusion of work.

The boys were suitably rewarded with a trip to the famous local Harlingen Pizzeria where they woke-up their taste buds with very tasty pizza varieties and cheesy bread. Yes folks, it WAS as good as it looks!!  If all goes right and plans fall into place, we’ll call this project a wrap next weekend.

Troop 22 actively seeks donations or other assistance to maintain a quality program. Please contact the Scoutmaster, SgtMajor Jim Poe, at 956-423-6006×270 if you have questions about the Scouting program.

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